let's start building

In our globalized world, we can simultaneously feel like we belong everywhere and nowhere at all. On the one hand we are hyper-connected, only a click or a call away from other people. Yet so often we also feel disconnected from or suspicious of each other. This mistrust can spill over into our organizations and communities, causing dysfunction, impasse, and fracture. At Bridges, we believe there is a better way forward.

Bridges supports organizations and communities to build vibrant spaces of belonging – spaces where we celebrate our complex identities,  explore our differences productively, and build resilient relationships between groups.

Why “Intergroup Relations”?

“Intergroup Relations” refers to the understanding we have of ourselves and our identities in group contexts, our relationships with the groups to which we belong, and the relationships and interactions between multiple groups and communities.

By promoting positive intergroup relations, Bridges builds healthier, effective, and more resilient people, groups, and societies. 


Let’s Build Bridges Together

Whether you are an elected official struggling to build trust with a divided constituency, an educator grappling with “cancel culture,” a community leader facing increasing polarization, or a businessperson responding to conflict in the workplace, promoting positive intergroup relations is essential to your success.



We support productive meetings and conversations.


Training & Workshops

We provide educational and skill-building opportunities in intergroup relations.

Grant-Writing & Development

We help organizations raise funds to promote positive intergroup relations.

Strategy & Programming

We work with organizations to develop programs and strategies that support positive intergroup relations. Let’s talk!

Who are we

The Bridge Builders

Maia Ferdman founded Bridges out of a belief that our capacity to build connections across difference is essential to our communities’, country’s, and world’s survival. Maia is a skilled facilitator, educator, and community-builder who has worked across sectors to promote positive intergroup relations.

Maia collaborates with various expert practitioners to build the most effective bridges possible.

Get In Touch

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